Thank you for your willingness to present at CI Summit 2025! This is an excellent opportunity for you to share knowledge and information with your colleagues. The information below will assist you in preparing your presentation.
Please see the instructions for the font and all other requirements and mandatory upload for the presentation!
CI Presenters should prepare a 60-minute presentation (plan for 45 minutes of content and 15 minutes for questions). A template for the conference is provided on the Presenters page on the conference website, and presenters are required to use it.
Presentations must be either a Power Point (ppt/pptx) or Portable Document Format (pdf) file. Presenters will need to: (1) arrive for their session ten minutes prior to the session’s start time and (2) have their presentation uploaded to the share point drive.
PowerPoint Requirements
- All presenters are required to use the provided PowerPoint template.
- All slides must have the CI Summit Conference Banner at the top of each slide.
- Company Logos Only Allowed on Title and Closing Slides
- Do not use fonts smaller than 12 pt font for easy readability.
- Only use Century Gothic Font.
- Should be 16:9 “Widescreen” Format.
- Please use the PowerPoint Template (PPTX) for your presentation
- Review the instructions for a good presentation (DOCX)
Spread The Word
We would love for you to share that you are speaking at our CI Summit 2025 Conference. We have some templates for you to upload your headshot and information into, so you can post on social media.
- Please use the Social Media Template (PPTX) for your social media post.
- Please review the instructions on how to use the social media template (PDF).
Please don't forget to tag us on LinkedIn, X (Twitter) @CI_ASCE and on Instagram and use the hashtags: #CISummit2025
Questions? Contact Katerina Lachinova